It's almost noon and what have I done. Well the groceries, that's it! Son1 is taking the SAT, hubby and I did the groceries andI spent about 20 minutes rescheduling doctors appointments for my grandmother. We haven't even finished putting away the groceries and we took a break.
The good things today...It's windy out, I've opened all the windows that I can (some of the ones facing the back still have the hurricane shutters up-don't ask) to let the breeze come through and air out the house. The sound is wonderful. At the grocery store I bought a fabulous Almond Toasted creamer and I'm going to have a cup now and listen and feel the wind as I go through the mail (both e- and snail). Then I'll be imspired to do some laundry and maybe a new recipe. oh yeah and pick up for the company I invited over for football tomorrow.
Ahh, that breeze feels GREAT! It definitely doesn't feel like South Florida.
Close to noon, and haven't done anything except my nablopomo. My highlight of the day has become looking for the purple passion and mind wobble posts of the day. Makes me feel connected to you guys. Love them, love them. Wish I was there to share the coffee!
Don't tell the kids, but do you realized this is like myspace for adults???
Yep, just after noon and I've had a bowl of cereal and watched last week's episode of "Jericho" which was on my TIVO-like substance. Great show!
Late last night and today
I had trouble posting a NaBloPoMo post I had drafted. Finally I was able to post it as a new post rather than from a draft - but I wasn't ablwe to add pictures. I'll try later. Anyone else having trouble?
We're getting ready to go vote, run some errands and then come home to get ready for our anniversary dinner at a French restaurant I've been wanting to go to for a while - Bistro Bisou.
I refuse to compare this to myspace! This is much better! WE have important things to say, .. it's windy outside. LOL :)
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