Thursday, July 12, 2007


I saw Volver last night. I thought it was awesome!

Now, I didn't tell hubby that it was a foreign film I only told him that it was a Penelope Cruz movie so that he was willing to watch. Of course when he heard the Spanish and saw subtitles, Johnny on the Spot that he is, quickly asked, "What's wrong with it? Why is it like that?" and "Oh God" was his reaction when he realized it was supposed to be that way. Honestly, I didn't think it would be a big deal, for goodness sake we do speak the language! It's not like it was in Chinese!

I thought the movie was fabulous! The acting - fabulous, the female characters - fabulous, the plot - fabulous, visually- fabulous. Do you see a pattern here? The strong topic was to be expected and not surprising but I think stupendously weaved into a circular plot line. The male characters were merely there to help explain or define the women; they were strictly supporting roles. I loved all the work in opposites in the movie. Part of the story is set in a coastal town that has either stifling heat or crazy wind, the town folk, slow paced, referred to as gossipy and crazy with only one helpful neighbor. Another part was in the city where you see everyone bustling like crazy people trying to live life but many neighbors helpful. 3 sets of sisters are the main characters: Raimunda (Penelope) and her sister Sole who were raised apart by 2 sisters, Tia and their mom, and the helpful country neighbor who's alone and searching for her mother and her sister who is a TV star. Each set of sisters have oppositional characteristics that are quickly brought to light form their livelihoods, to their outlooks and temperament. The camera shots were very interesting and beautifully foreshadowed and made the movie look real not glitzy or stylised at all which enhanced women's roles because they are all such real looking women dealing with real life and their.

Hubby and I disagreed on a vital point in the movie which I don't want to mention to not spoil it for others. But his review was: Penelope was great to watch.

See this movie as soon as you can.

1 comment:

Hilda said...

I completely agree - I thought it was fantastic.

As usual Almodovar provides fantastic female charcters. And also as usual with Almodovar, the movie is visually stunning. The repeated windmills - albeit starkly beautiful modern windmills - in the scenes that take place in La Mancha, pay rightful homage to that most famous of stories that takes place in the region.

A must-see.