Thursday, September 13, 2007


I knew I was behind in the blogging but I didn't realize I was THAT far behind. Since Aug. 30th! Whew! I know I've been busy but that's no excuse for such a long absence. Soon my adoring fans will give up and forget me. HA! I made a funny! Adoring fans...get it? As if!

It was my dad's Bday on the 3rd, my MIL was operated a week ago, I am working volunteering with my kids high school with all sorts of back-to-school meetings that were happening and with the QB Club. I actually ended up kinda running the QB Club and now we are meeting at my house every Tuesday, this past Tuesday being the first one, to work on a scrapbook for the graduating seniors, make banners that hang in the cafeteria, order the food for the weekly meals, coordinate people to work the concession stand for home games and whatever else coach needs parents to do. Its 17's Senior year so the list of things to do is endless from college stuff, to school activities. 14 had his first cross-country meet this past Tuesday (yes, same day as scrap mtg.). So, ya know things have been a little busy and all of this is happening with 17 and I sharing the car. It's been a little hectic - what can I say. But they only do this once and then its over before I know it so onward and upward or as the high school's motto is - Adelante!

So, let me pause here and just take a deep breath and ask the good Lord above for patience and energy to get it all done and enjoy the school year ahead and to blog about it along the way ;)

1 comment:

TroyBoy said...

Yeah, she's baaaack! I was begining to think that one of the advertersome culinary girls' outings had done you in. I am glad that it has not!