Thursday, December 06, 2007

Getting there...

I'm almost done with my shopping. But I have been steadily working on this since mid-November. I have shopped online and on Black Friday. 15 happily gave me a list which is fabulous. Since his list is quite substantial, I asked him yesterday what his top 5 items would be; I happen to have all 5! Yeah, I'm so happy with myself! Plus, I thought of something that he didn't put on his list that he's going to flip for when he opens it. 18 didn't give me a list. I know he wants clothes so I asked him can you please just sit and write down what sizes please. Did he tell you? Cuz I'm still waiting. He has told me a few things and I did buy some clothes but I'm just not as excited about what I got him. I guess because I don't know if it's going to fit right, if he'll like it etc... I do have a couple of things that I KNOW he's going to flip for. Then there's the hardest person of all my hubby. Ask him what he wants, he tells you nothing. So very helpful. I did get him something but it's not enough. I have to get him something else. Everyone else is pretty much done. I am going to get my dad's gift today. I know what it is, I just have to go to the specialty store and get it. Then I have one more pre-teen boy to buy for, a cousin. He's tough because I do think he has everything and I refuse to give a gift certificate. We'll see what I do. But I am almost done! Yeah me. Now, this weekend I start my baking gifts. I have more Crema de vie to make and cookies and I will make some cakes, one for the school office and one for my eye Dr. (he's also family) for their offices to share. Also, on the Xmas horizon this weekend is Christmas cards and of course, to start wrapping gifts.

I won't go into that my house is not decorated yet because that's a hot spot with me and hubby right now and I am taking the high road and choosing not to fight or kvetch about it. Aren't you proud of me? If you knew me, you would be.


TroyBoy said...

Okay, make cookies? I am sure there is a way that we might be able to get some of those cookies from you to me via Hilda, don'tchya think? Please?!

TroyBoy said...

Check this out: