I'm a list person. I have lists for everything from groceries to life goals and all the things in between. These lists often get broken down into steps and with any luck actually get onto the calendar and happen more than just on paper.
As I've gotten older, the lists get duplicated because I can't find the original so what's a girl to do but write it again. It always makes me chuckle when i find the original later. "Ah, that's where I put it." There are so many lists that i need to search things before I pass them on. Any book that i loan or give away must be looked through to remove lists tucked between it's pages. Purses, gracious! They hold tons of lists, my wallet, pockets before laundry. They are everywhere. Do I do everything on the lists? No. I don't think that's the point of the lists. It's more to organize my thoughts. Keep track of things. Even to brainstorm things. Lists calm me down. Let me see the order, the steps, the breakdown, feel it can all get done. Lists; something my momma taught me and I passed on to at least one of my children.
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