Saturday, July 05, 2008


It feels like Sunday but it's only Saturday. I love it!
We ate so many yummy things on the 4th at the BBQ. We had burger (of course), bratwursts - 2 different kinds; I think smoked and not smoked, homemade empanadas - 2 kinds, one stuffed with chicken the other beef, chorizo made on the grill that was sooo good, my pasta salad, lovely wines, a baked cheese ziti, and the appetizers were chips of course, a cheddar cheese ball, a cream cheese, spam concoction that had something else on top I don't remember what. Then for dessert was the Red Velvet Cake and mini cupcakes. I had one of everything but I had no chips and no bread. I ate all of my meats without bread. I was very proud of myself.

I commented that we are getting old because the get-togethers are now more adults than kids. We used to be out numbered. Now the kids are moving on and the adults are left to only fend for themselves. There were a handful of kids there compared to what we used to have basically because half of those kids are 18 now and living their own lives as they should. The kids that were there did set off their own fireworks in front of the house. I watched the TV specials and saw fireworks in DC and Boston. They were really nice. A good evening and I still have the weekend ahead of me. Nice.

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