Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Take 2 asprin...

I woke up at 1:13am with a horrible headache. I didn't want to open my eyes or move or breathe too hard. I struggled out of bed and with my eyes closed and my hand sliding along the wall guided myself to the kitchen to take some meds guided myself back and tried to get comfy and go back to sleep. There was a lot of whimpering along the way. I woke up again at 5:42 and repeated this procedure. At 6:15 hubby was shaking my feet yelling "c'mon c'mon get up!" I shhhed him and told him to turn off the lights. He grumbled but acquiesced. I slowly got ready for work. Put my sunglasses on while still in the house and took my meds with me as I couldn't take them again until after 9. At the office I sat in the dark with my sunglasses on drinking 2 cups of coffee before cranking up the computer. The pain was finally subsiding. I have now eaten lunch, the sunglasses are off, the lights are still not on but I am working with only a dull constant pressure from my right temple through to the back of my head and top of my neck. Not that this is interesting at all but it NABLo yadda yadda month and I had to post something. Can't wait for this day to be over....

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